Elite: Dangerous Part 3
In which Commander Bulk Paint: Hired Gun is still confused by mission terminology and woefully unprepared for his chosen line of work.
Get the troublesome* play with Willow
stuff out of the way so I can have a good crack at this space thing.
Taking stock – I'm in an Outpost in my starting system. LHS 3447 or
something. I wonder where Lave is? Open the galaxy map and search.
Found it! And Diso, Leesti and Reidquat. These names mean nothing to
you? You're dead to me. Sadly, they are all very far away.
Some folks in this outpost want me to
off some other folks in a neighbouring system. Something about a
Warzone. Sounds kinda fun. Accept the mission. In fact, accept two
missions, both wanting the same thing – go to Kini and destroy n
ships in a Warzone. Two birds and all that.
Jump to Kini and start looking for this
zone thing. There's a lot of looking. Kini doesn't appear to have
that much in it – binary star (which is cool), single planet and an
orbital Outpost. No Warzones. Keep my eyes peeled for Signal Sources
whilst mooching back and forth between the stars.
Dinner arrives just as I find one.
Perhaps I should dock and eat. The Outpost is nearby so I lock it in
and approach. Stupid thing is very full and it won't let me land.
Dinner is getting cold.
Finally land and wolf dinner like I
have some pressing business to attend to or something. Notice that
the station has a big, floating pirate symbol hovering over it. Does
this mean it's got a Black Market? Man, if only I hadn't dumped all
that Biowaste...
Head back out in search of Signal
Sources. Feels a little like I'm back playing EQ and camping spawns.
Find one and drop in.
There's a Hauler and he messages me.
Same thing as the other mission guy – he knows who I'm working for
and has a better offer. Wants me to go kill other people instead.
Mission brief updated accordingly with both parameters. I decide
that, as I've already accepted the job, I shall see it through to the
original specification. Feel like that's the honourable thing to do.
Deploy hardpoints. Let's do this!
Combat Baby
![]() |
Yeah, you'd better run! |
Remember to divert power to weapons and
unleash burst after burst. Finally drop his shields. He throws it
into another evasive manoeuvre and drops out of view. I spin to
re-locate him and find him just as he's lining up an attack run.
Decide that head-to-head is probably not the best plan when your ship
appears to be made of paper maché and execute a nose-down boost to
give me a bit of a traverse thing going. Some of his shots find their
mark and my shields get worryingly low, worryingly fast. But I
survive it and even manage to get back on his tail. Drop his shields
again and start chipping away at his hull.
There are several things at play here
that are making it very tricky to do any sort of prolonged damage to
him. Firstly**, my tools. I don't think the gamepad has the fidelity
I need. Although that might also be down to the aforementioned yaw
thing. Secondly, it's been an awful long time since I've played
anything like this. Certainly something that didn't have some kind of
auto-aim component.
Eventually, I wear the slippery bastard
down and his ship begins to explode. Boom! Suddenly I have a 6000
credit bounty on my head for murder. Oops.
I check the mission brief to see if
anything's updated. Nope. Still asking for the same number of people
to be killed. Clearly I'm not doing this right? Maybe this first guy
is merely the other side of the coin and the Warzone is one of those
pick-a-side-when-you-get-there deals, with me failing to get there
just yet.
Undeterred, I press on, painfully aware
that I now have a big bullseye on my back.
Another signal source finds the guy for
the second mission. Probably worth a different approach. I listen to
his offer then respectfully jump away. Still no signs of a Warzone
but come across a Strong Signal Source instead. Perhaps this is it?
Drop in and a wing of pirates can't
believe their luck. It's an ambush! I light the 'burners and start
throwing all kinds of shapes whilst cycling through the hostiles on
my targeting computer. Really not sure that they're anything other
than random pirates and nothing to do with the mission at hand.
Of course, it's all moo anyway as they
shred both my shields and hull in short order. There goes another
Square Minus One
Back at the station, I check out the
invoice from the insurance company. They've replaced my Freagle and
outfitted it with the basic stuff that I had equipped for just a
couple of grand. That's not a problem. The problem is that they
appear to have paid off my fines which amounted to 9600 credits!
Money which I did not have.
So it would seem that they've saddled
me with a loan. From now until the loan is paid off, 10% of anything
I earn will service the debt. Son of a …
I decide that the life of a hired gun
is not for me. Not yet. I need a bigger ship, better guns and a
proper joystick. For now I think I'll bin off the Eagle and use the
money to pay off the loan and kit out my Sidewinder a bit. First, I
have to get to my Sidewinder.
It turns out that it's back where the
Eagle started, which sadly is Dalton Gateway - a station about a 15
minute flight from the system's star...
The Sidewinder's kit is all loaned
stuff. It's rubbish. When I was toying with the upgrade screen on the
Eagle, I noticed that the main thing seems to be power draw so I
elect to make an updated power plant my first order of business. I then get a bit sidetracked by looking at liveries. I was considering dropping a couple of quid on a Blue Sonoran or Orange Mojave skin but it turns out I have the Mercenary one for pre-ordering the game. It's no Chris Foss, but it takes the edge off the sheer noobness of the ship.
With that in situ, I start looking at guns.
With that in situ, I start looking at guns.
Yeah, I know – the hired gun thing –
but I'm still going to need to be able to defend myself. This station
doesn't have any affordable Lasers but it does do a line in
Multicannons. To top it off, they're gimballed*** which could help
solve the yaw problem. I spooge the rest of my money on a pair of
those bad boys.
Well, not all of it – some money is
kept aside for valuable cargo. My plan is to get shot of this system
due to the travel time between jumping in and reaching this station.
I browse the commodities, looking for affordable things that will
maximise my paltry cargo hold of 4 units and take me away from this
godforsaken backwater.
I load up with textiles. Textiles. Be
still my beating heart. But it's honest work I guess. The commodities
screen tells me where these things get exported too – a handful of
systems. I pick Eravate and off we go.
* Not actually troublesome. You should
see her when she has a bath. It's lots of fun. Also, she will give
you a kiss if you ask her. It's adorable.
** Most significantly, obviously.
*** Kinda like a halfway house between
fixed and turreted. Or, in Kerbal Space Program terms, bolted on or
taped to.
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